ACART publication

Currently in New Zealand, women can freeze their eggs but cannot subsequently use them. This is because when the list of established procedures was declared by Order in Council in 2005, it was considered that there was too little information to judge the safety of using frozen eggs.

ACART undertook work to review the use of frozen eggs and in July to September 2008 it consulted the public on proposed advice (A summary of submissions received is attached to ACART's advice).

What is ACART's advice?

ACART's advice to the Minister of Health is that the use of frozen eggs be declared an established procedure for individual treatment purposes and for donation for treatment purposes.

Developments following ACART's advice:

On 10 July 2009 the HART Order 2005 Part 2 (3) was amended to enable the use of frozen eggs in New Zealand in established procedures.


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