ACART Advice and Guidelines for Gamete and Embryo Donation and Surrogacy

Advice to the Associate Minister of Health about guidelines for surrogacy and the use of sperm, eggs and embryos. The advice was submitted to the then Associate Minister of Health Hon Jenny Salesa in September 2019.
The advice recommends some changes to the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Order. Included in the advice are the guidelines (already published) that replace earlier, separate guidelines for the donation and use of sperm, eggs and embryos and for surrogacy.
Advice and Guidelines for Gamete and Embryo Donation and Surrogacy [PDF, 537 KB]
Supplementary information
ACART is providing supplementary information about its guidelines for surrogacy and for the use of sperm, eggs and embryos. The information is to assist fertility services providers, ECART and any people using or considering using assisted reproduction. The information explains how the guidelines are intended to be applied and the consent processes involved.
The supplementary information can be referred to when people are using ACART’s Guidelines for family gamete donation, embryo donation, the use of donated eggs with donated sperm and clinic assisted surrogacy.
ACART Supplementary Information to the Donation and Surrogacy Guidelines [PDF, 315 KB]